To our warrior Jordano,

We are so proud of your courage, determination, strength and will to overcome your second open-heart surgery.

You are so loved. On the day of your surgery, you were surrounded by family and friends who gave us courage, strength, energy and determination to face one of the worst days a parent can experience. We couldn’t have made it through this day without them.

Eight hours seemed like an eternity, but they all made sure to try and distract us. You showed us all how to turn something so scary into a story of strength and determination that you will one day tell your children. We love you so much.

We are eternally grateful to your surgeons: Dr. Nancy Poirier and Dr. Felix Trossero. Many thanks to the intensive care and critical care units; Jordano received exceptional care.

To the En Coeur Foundation, thank you for giving us a compression blanket to help Jordano with the pain. CHU Sainte Justine, we are so lucky to have such incredible care, thank you all!

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