In 2010, at 22 weeks’ gestation, we learned that our unborn son, Thomas, would be born with a congenital heart defect, hypoplastic right heart syndrome. At 9 days of age, he underwent his first open-heart surgery. This was followed by a second at 3 months, a third at 9 months and a fourth at 4 years. Then, in 2022, Thomas underwent pacemaker surgery.

Every step of the way, the En Coeur Foundation was there for us. As soon as Thomas was born, access to a breast pump was appreciated, as breastfeeding was unthinkable and impossible. We were also entitled to meal vouchers during the many days we spent at the hospital. After long days at our child’s bedside, cooking at home in the evening to prepare a meal for the next day’s return to the hospital at noon became a burden. The En Coeur Foundation is also about the volunteers who take the time to chat with us while we wait in the little parents’ lounge for surgery, to put a hand on our shoulders when we’re too overwhelmed, or to offer their time when we need it, even if it’s just to make us realize that we haven’t eaten for a while, consumed by our child’s condition. Their presence is so important! That is what the En Cœur Foundation is all about, and so much more!
Today, thanks to all the donations, several services for children with heart disease and their parents have been added, which is why the mission of this Foundation must be maintained, for both children and parents. The En Cœur Foundation is a blessing for the HEART. Thank you for your support!
Nancy and Claude, parents of Thomas, 13 years old